Thursday, June 2, 2011

two days in counting till hero-con!

hello once again to all my fellow blogers! i suppose iv'e neglected to tell everyone that i am in fact going to hero-con this saturday. i'll be departing for Charlotte, North Carolina, tomorrow after school in my dads honda with my dad. it's a six hour drive but its worth it. at this convention i'll get to meet Mr. Tim Sale, meet the artist for the muppets, be in a attendance for the inkwell awards, and meet many more famous writers and artists of the comic world.  i'll also get to see and meet the writers of comics that are all ready or are yet to be made into movies, and here there opinions on how the directors have made it accordingly to there storys. i will be recording this and counting it as tales of the cube part 8. i'm also planning on getting my batman: the long halloween graphic novel to be signed by mr.Sale. when i get back my first priority is to rub it in williams face! of, course i might et a signature for him as well. or, maybe the cube all together! oh, well. well se how it goes! till later my friends, Dylan.

by the way, here a pic of hero con.

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