Friday, May 20, 2011

pointless friday schoolday

as i said on my first blog, i was going to dc with my class mates on a field trip. it was awesome and totally wizard, but we didn't get back until like 9:30pm. i didn't want to come to school today because i knew it would be pointless friday schoolday. sure enough, it was! there was supposed to be a history test, but of course it was cancelled because the teacher knew everyone was to tired to even hold a pencil strait. so, we basically had "nap and movie time" all day. i told my pop it would be like this. but he throughs me the old "i gotta work" speech. so the next thing i know im taking a nap at a desk. but, i know you guys by now are pretty tired of reading my stupid complaints, so i will publish a video of the DC trip for your viewing pleasure. so until then, this is dylan bowman signing off!

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