Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday update

hello peoples! i was so busy the past few days i had forgotten to do my blog. soooooooo, to catch you up, i got a B on my science project. yah, thats probably un amusing. my mom's back surgery went as planed. the plan was it would be a success. i have finished watching the first season of the new doctor who series. now i have a question, this came up today in the comic store today,  if there are so many different avengers, how can the secret avengers be secret? thats one of those things that i like to think about. that means there was a meeting of the marvel comics writers about the secret avengers and no one raised there hand and said "uhh, how exactly are they secret if-". see, another reason why marvel is stupid. well, this blog is probably a big disappointment on your expectations of how my blog is supposed to be, so heres a photo of BURT WORD HOLDING A &#$?!&% BAT-BAZOOKA?!? since when did the boy wonder become the son of rambo? dylan,

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