Saturday, May 21, 2011

saturday update with dylan bowman

just got back from work. not much there but i did get some video footage for my next episode of tales of the cube (as seen on dylanbowman11 from youtube). the episode is gonna be kind'v like a doctor who parody. reason being, when i woke up this morning I decided to go directly to my Netflix account and watch some doctor who. todays episode featured the last Dalek, which inspired me. however i could not find a Dalek at the store so I had to substitute a vacuum-cleaner. for those of you who dont know what a Dalek is, i have posted a photo of one for your viewing pleasure. and for those of you who are asking "dylan! where is your blog video you promised of the trip you went on?", i'm still working on it. if the rapture does not take place tonight, then see you tomorrow!

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