Thursday, June 2, 2011

two days in counting till hero-con!

hello once again to all my fellow blogers! i suppose iv'e neglected to tell everyone that i am in fact going to hero-con this saturday. i'll be departing for Charlotte, North Carolina, tomorrow after school in my dads honda with my dad. it's a six hour drive but its worth it. at this convention i'll get to meet Mr. Tim Sale, meet the artist for the muppets, be in a attendance for the inkwell awards, and meet many more famous writers and artists of the comic world.  i'll also get to see and meet the writers of comics that are all ready or are yet to be made into movies, and here there opinions on how the directors have made it accordingly to there storys. i will be recording this and counting it as tales of the cube part 8. i'm also planning on getting my batman: the long halloween graphic novel to be signed by mr.Sale. when i get back my first priority is to rub it in williams face! of, course i might et a signature for him as well. or, maybe the cube all together! oh, well. well se how it goes! till later my friends, Dylan.

by the way, here a pic of hero con.

Monday, May 30, 2011

memorial day

what is it about memorial day that makes me so proud of the USA? probably the fact that its all about remembering america.  any who, i was planing on making a new black-ops vid today for memorial day, since I'm at my friends house, and they've got like the awesomest air-soft guns in the world. but, they just got back from the water park, and they basically walked there feet off, soooooooo we where all a little too tired to deliver. oh well! so, heres my other piece of entertainment for you today, since the video didn't work out. till tomorrow, dylan. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

sunday evening... somebody entertain me!

i have finally found a new level of bordom. this level involves you being so board your eyes start burning out of your very scull like in the last last part of raiders of the lost ark. now, because im doing this, my level of bordom has gone down to my fingers frying off, so the rest of this blog will be done veia video. till tomorrow, dylan. 

Friday, May 27, 2011


today went by quickly, 100 on my book report, pizza for dinner, how can you beat it? typical friday. i published the latest episode of tales of the cube, (link below). soooooo, yah. posibly more fun tomorrow,  considering my mom is getting back from her surgery. so, heres something else to satisfy you, besides the video. hey! a combo of the Beatles and Metallica!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


new episode of big bang tonight, i hope. im wondering will it just be sports, reruns, or a new episode? they never specify what happens at the end of a season like doctor who does!  now my next question is, have you seen this graphic novel? one of my friends, thomas,  put it in my hands today only to say, "so can you have it back to me by tomorrow?". what the heck?!? this guy is like a total sports jock, got the hot girlfriend and everything! throw him a puffy vest and he would blend right in to the normal 1950s high-school crowd. what in gods name is he gonna do with a batman year 2 graphic novel? he thought it was one hole book when he handed it to me! i could put it in my collection of awesome comics! he cant put that thing in his collection of awesome football trophies! ugh! dylan

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday update

hello peoples! i was so busy the past few days i had forgotten to do my blog. soooooooo, to catch you up, i got a B on my science project. yah, thats probably un amusing. my mom's back surgery went as planed. the plan was it would be a success. i have finished watching the first season of the new doctor who series. now i have a question, this came up today in the comic store today,  if there are so many different avengers, how can the secret avengers be secret? thats one of those things that i like to think about. that means there was a meeting of the marvel comics writers about the secret avengers and no one raised there hand and said "uhh, how exactly are they secret if-". see, another reason why marvel is stupid. well, this blog is probably a big disappointment on your expectations of how my blog is supposed to be, so heres a photo of BURT WORD HOLDING A &#$?!&% BAT-BAZOOKA?!? since when did the boy wonder become the son of rambo? dylan,

Sunday, May 22, 2011

happy b-day Rudy and Annabel!

today was both of my dogs b-days! i got em this dragon squeak toy that has 16 squeakers inside of it. and, because i know your wondering, yes it was made in china (like you hadn't already guested). i posted the latest episode of tales of the cube on youtube (see link below). i'm planing on doing a short drama film featuring sandman. and yes, i do mean the dc version. not the vertigo one. so thats all for today. oh wait, one last thing, eat it!  guys-who-thought-the-rapture-would-take place-yesterday! where all still here! try again 2012!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

saturday update with dylan bowman

just got back from work. not much there but i did get some video footage for my next episode of tales of the cube (as seen on dylanbowman11 from youtube). the episode is gonna be kind'v like a doctor who parody. reason being, when i woke up this morning I decided to go directly to my Netflix account and watch some doctor who. todays episode featured the last Dalek, which inspired me. however i could not find a Dalek at the store so I had to substitute a vacuum-cleaner. for those of you who dont know what a Dalek is, i have posted a photo of one for your viewing pleasure. and for those of you who are asking "dylan! where is your blog video you promised of the trip you went on?", i'm still working on it. if the rapture does not take place tonight, then see you tomorrow!

Friday, May 20, 2011

pointless friday schoolday

as i said on my first blog, i was going to dc with my class mates on a field trip. it was awesome and totally wizard, but we didn't get back until like 9:30pm. i didn't want to come to school today because i knew it would be pointless friday schoolday. sure enough, it was! there was supposed to be a history test, but of course it was cancelled because the teacher knew everyone was to tired to even hold a pencil strait. so, we basically had "nap and movie time" all day. i told my pop it would be like this. but he throughs me the old "i gotta work" speech. so the next thing i know im taking a nap at a desk. but, i know you guys by now are pretty tired of reading my stupid complaints, so i will publish a video of the DC trip for your viewing pleasure. so until then, this is dylan bowman signing off!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

my first blog!

hello to all! this is the first edition of my blog. in this blog i shall tell you the storys and adventures of whats going on in my life. these posts might be the same as everyone else's one day, and the next be totally nuts next day. so we will just see what happens. though tomorrow i'm not sure i'll be able to blog, because i wont get home until like nine. and i've got school the next day. sooooooo, the adventures might not start tomorrow. but! definitely the next day! let the new reign of awesomeness and wizardness begin now! (wizardness is a word for your information spell check)